Friday, May 26, 2006

Grey Skies and Sad Songs

Given that today's grey skies and gusts of wind were doing nothing to lift my spirits, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to listen to Josh Groban and Eva Cassidy, both extremely gifted musical artists in the sad song genre. But still, I did it. Call it the masochist in me.

The new story is doing quite well, considering. Developing new characters (New? As compared to what? Hard to believe this all hit me just 6 days ago) and trying to build some sensible plot structures around my scattered thoughts run wild. Back to my old writing style though--- long-hand, no longer on keyboard--- since prolonged exposure to monitor glare has been giving me headaches lately. Happy to say it has seemed to boost the creative process. Hope I don't run out of paper, as even Jo Rowling did recently. And, more importantly, I hope I can decipher my handwriting when I need to read what I've written down!

While showering, I got hit by an inspiration for a song, something which hasn't happened in a while. Trying to capture it before it dissipated into eternal nothingness, I tried to figure out how to do it. No guitar, no keyboard. Can't sight-read music or do the opposite. Have always done it this way: Inspiration hits, I sit on the keyboard and figure out the notes I just sang/heard in my brain, and then I transcribe the notes onto paper with the words, if any come. Now, with no instrument on hand, not even a sound system to record on, I am forced to try to hum it as often as I can till I figure out a way to record it. Will probably try recording directly onto the computer's hard drive with a mic, but that might be weird. Sigh. Lord, You are forcing my resourcefulness to the limit, indeed! When will You stop having me always be a girl scout?

How much I miss singing. I miss writing songs. I miss making music. I miss performing live. I miss recording in the studio. I miss playing with a band. I miss the rush of creative energy just sitting in a room with musician friends, expecting magic to be made any moment.

I miss all that. Can't do anything about it, though. For now, here is where I'm supposed to be, and here is where I am.

At least, Josh Groban did me favour today while all this went on in my head--- his music put E soundly to sleep :)

1 comment:

mama_aly said...

it seems that the longing for the music is planting melodies too... do i hear an album in the making?... sometimes it is in being deprived that we become most creative :)